- Success Story -

Jathaniel’s Success Story

Jathaniel’s Success Story

It all started on the first Monday in February, 2016. Jathaniel started out at a Daycare Centre, where he had grown some familiar with for the past six months. He had been attending the center for at least twice monthly. However, attending the center twice monthly everything was quite fine, until that first Monday in February, 2016. On that said day Jathaniel became a registry learner of the said institution. Now before he began session there he was not eating any solid food only lots of porridge and juice this had been the norm for the past two weeks however, we though that by going to the center fulltime he would regain his appetite but this was never so. Jathaniel developed some strange behaviors such as a loud strange noise and separating himself form the other children, this became of great concern to the owner of the center. On the following day I was told about the observations surrounding Jathaniel it was further noted that if these behaviors continue that he would no longer be able to attend the center. This of course became frustration to both parents. To make a long story short we eventually were told after one month that the child could no longer attend the center. At this point Jathaniel no longer attend the Centre and he left without any real help being offer .

Jathaniel now was placed in a pre-school setting, this decision to take the child ended up be a great mistake just after one day. Jathaniel spent just one day at the center where just like the other center he no longer could attend, so he was on the run again. This was a great disappointment. At this time it was now in the middle of the school term where we were left with no alternative. So the child was placed in another daycare center. During this time the child was taken to a pediatrician where it was assuming that the child maybe suffering from mild autism spectrum disorder (ASD), at this stage Jathaniel was not doing much for himself physically.

Nevertheless, Jathaniel had started attending new center where he stayed for a while and was later remove to joined another pre-school. By joining this pre-school, we were hoping for a positive transformation which never took place in a major way. By this time the he was four years old where he was not eating solid food nor using the toilet independently, this was a worrying situation for me especially since it was my only child everything just had me out of my mind. 

However, Jathaniel stayed at this institution for a period of fourteen months with the circumstances remaining the same. By this time I became more frustrated about the entire situation. So as a mother who wanted betterment for her child, I started to asked friends and family as to what steps I should take. One of my good friend did a little research and found out about M.E.T Pride Academy which is a special education school and therapy center. At first it was extremely difficult for me to accept the fact of sending Jathaniel to a special need facility. But after realizing the royal tour Jathaniel had of changing from daycare to daycare and pre-school to pre-school I needed to make a solid decision about the child’s development and future.

So as parents we decided to send him to the academy of which he is currently a student. We have great satisfaction that within three days the child was eating his lunch(food) and his academics has improved. we are extremely thankful to God Almighty and to the hard work of Mrs. Elizabeth Alert and her team. We are seeing a few developments here and there for example he is using the toilet all by himself. Hence, as a result I must say thank miss Elizabeth for her uncommon gift in helping the children, she is a special person. She and her team have things under control when it comes to Jathaniel and the other children in their care from day to day. As a result, with this newly found discipline Jathaniel is a much settle and follow instruction.

I would therefore like to recommend this school to parents of similar situations such as Jathaniel’s story to accept the stage where your child maybe and release them into such environment for a complete transformation in your child’s life.   

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